Hoop Doet Leven

Hoop Doet Leven was built in Holland in 1926. She is 21.4 meters (about 70 feet) long and 3.4 meters (11 feet) wide. She is all steel construction. The original cargo hold in front of the pilot house has been converted to living space. The family quarters behind the pilot house are all original, with wood paneling,tile fireplace and leaded glass skylights. “Hoop Doet Leven,” in Dutch means “Hope Sustains Life,” similar to “Hope Springs Eternal.”

3 thoughts on “Hoop Doet Leven”

  1. Cleighton DePetro said:

    Harvey and Sandra,

    This is a great blog. I’ve been on a number of hotel barges through France and am considering buying a barge. Hoping you might be willing to share some of your wisdom. If so, please email me at cleighton.depetro@gmail.com.

    Thanks and enjoy the Burgundy Canal!


  2. Thank you for the long awaited translation of the name of you boat . I just spotted it today in Dijon and I took a picture of it . If you need the pic, just let me know

  3. Thoroughly enjoyed reading your book & looking forward to the day we can take out Dutch steel over to the French canals for similar experiences, once we’ve got the work thing out the way !
    Thank you

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